Bad Alibi Dairy Goats

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Prairie Ridge Bling It On

Goat , LaMancha , Doe (female)

ADGA# L2003248 | DOB: 2/15/2019 (6 yrs)

Sire: CH Blackwing FX Armani *B


CH Blackwing FX Armani *B

LaMancha Buck (male) LA: FS91 (EEE ) @ 03-02

ADGA# L1778320 DOB: 3/8/20169 yrs

  | ADGA# L1778320 | LA: FS91 (EEE ) @ 03-02
Dam: GCH Caramel Apple Farm Hermione 1*M

GCH Caramel Apple Farm Hermione 1*M

LaMancha Doe (female) LA: FS85 (+VVE) @ 02-02

ADGA# L1868052 DOB: 3/13/20177 yrs

Hermine earned her milk star in 2020 as a 2F with 2,820 pounds of milk in just 187 DIM (see "milking record" above). She earned her dry leg in 2018 and her two remaining legs needed for her GCH title in August of 2020. The Vincent Family were great stewards of this doe giving her the recognition she deserved until March of 2021 when Hermoine moved herds and I lost track of he ...
  | ADGA# L1868052 | LA: FS85 (+VVE) @ 02-02
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Bling resides at Prairie Ridge Dairy Goats (see "Brochure" above) but of course I like keeping tabs on her since she is our buck's mama!

In 2021 Bling was dried up so that Prairie Ridge Dairy Goats could make their trip to Nationals but if you look at her milking record above she was "killing it"! So far in 2022 she has one test completed and produced 16.5 POUNDS of milk. This girl I am sure will make it to Elite this year with those kinds of numbers!!!!!!

In 2019 she earned her dry leg at the Weld County Goat Extravaganza.

Updated 10/2/2023